Friday, December 28, 2012

The Beginning

Now that we have our character we can begin playing. Select your character and enter the world. Headmaster Ambrose starts to teach you about how to play.
Arrow keys are to move.
Press X or click on NPCs to speak to them.
Gamma wishes to speak to you. Lets go talk to him to see what's up.

The ground starts rumbling. What's happening? The Headmaster asks you to follow him and Gamma agrees. Let's go!

Oh no! While you were outside, Malistaire invaded the tower! Help Ambrose get rid of the intruders! Walk up to them to fight them.

Choose a spell and the person to use it against. For instance, I chose Troll and used it on the henchman standing on the key symbol.

Ouch! They damaged you, but not to worry you still have a lot more health. Ambrose teaches you about your health and mana. Best to listen carefully. Health keeps you alive, mana lets you cast spells, easy enough. Now use your remaining spell against the henchmen. For me this is firecat and I use it once again against the henchman on the key symbol. Malistaire feels sure of his victory we must prove him wrong! Heal your wounds by using the unicorn on yourself.

Ambrose hands you some pips, maybe now you'll have a chance against those henchmen! Now use the spell you get, Nature's Wrath against one of them. I used it, once again, against the minion on the key. The minion uses a shield that weakens your spell. What would've been a killing blow now only wounds him greatly. Ambrose gives you a card to increase your power, let's put it to good use!

You now get a spell that hurts both minions. Let's finish them off! Your spell destroys them both. A good thing to your health is dangerously low! Malistaire leaves, claiming he had what he came for. What could he mean? Anyway you earned some experience. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Ambrose teaches you how to speak, not bad. You also get some nice gear, a spellbook and a wand. Ambrose leaves you to go ready your papers. If this is the first time playing the game may have to download some files before you can continue. You can explore the room or create a new character and go through the tutorial again.

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